World of warcraft on steam
World of warcraft on steam

world of warcraft on steam

It will probably be doable but either Blizzard would have to make it much more accessible or you would need to tinker a lot yourself. I've tried the controller support at the start of shadowlands while playing a new character in Exile's Reach and there's no tutorial on what buttons do, and the explanation on the action bar buttons is very small and not very readable on a 27" monitor, so it will be worse on the Deck's 7" screen. I also just googled if wow supports touchscreen laptops (Deck has a touch screen) and you CAN use it to click enemies / ores / world objects. Holding L4 could make ABXY into 4 different skills, same with L5, R4 and R5 in order to have 20 action bar slots bound to just ABXY. The good thing is that you will have extra input methods with the grip buttons and the touch pads. Controller support 'works' in wow but it will require some tinkering. Play the story driven single player campaign, go online to play default- or custom maps against people around the world or create your own maps with the map. With windows you should be able to run wow no problem, then in game you can use the macro to turn on controller support. Your best bet would probably be to get more than 64GB of storage on your model and install windows on it. ProtonDB doesn't have any information on how wow would work. I mean it does run on linux Arch with Proton.

World of warcraft on steam